“Ah, Dragon Nest? This is such a bad boat with military girls in short skirts? Oh well, again the vile Korean, dolls with swords in three heights. Do not even watch ".
This is something like this to Dragon Nest reacts most players. Conclusions are usually drawn on the basis of screenshots and pairs of rollers – and completely in vain. There really is really nothing to look at lovers of realism and high technology … But with gameplay, the game has everything very good.
The horrors of our town
First, we’ll bring together https://sister-site.org/casino-charles/ all the cruel disappointments that can fit us. Classes here are attached to the floor: girls shoot from onions and thrown by lightning, and the boys are destined to waving the sword and treatment of the Sopartians. Chose the class, reconciled with the change of floor? You may not work further. Whatever you do with the editor of appearance, no matter how you persuade him, anyway, the hero will look like every fifth oncoming. Individuality is bought strictly in a gaming store.
Everything that is so despised in the pictures of Korean games is collected here with murderous diligence. And acid-flomester coloring, and five-meter swords, and pepsoid heroes, and special effects that reliably hide all the horrors of animation.
[[Bullet]] to consider what poses our heroes take, you can only in screenshots. In the heat of the fight, everything happens too fast.
Well, when we get to the first fights, we can feel ourselves with a thread, which is threaded through endless beads. The entire game world is cut into separate locations in which we will meet only monsters and previously convened Sopartians – there is no question of any open world. Glass for living players in sufficient quantities can only be in cities.
And in order to finally close the topic of horrors, we will remember the immortal Korean random. Here he was combed, tied a bow and cut the claws. But the teeth left.
Think with your hands
The call “not judge by appearance”, which everyone does not care about, in the case of Dragon Nest is very relevant. Behind the wall of butterflies and flowers, one of the most dynamic, uncompromising and balanced combat systems in MMOs is hidden. According to rumors, if the stars turned out a little differently, Dragon Nest would be born a console slasher. You will believe it already in the first combat location.
Four classes available in the Russian version at the 15th level are split into eight, and even “related” subclasses are radically different from each other. But everyone is characterized by two points-the lack of fixation for targets (fashionable non-turget) and combat combo, many of which are completely non-obvious and reveal their power only after prolonged training. Those who are used to the unhurried pressing of icons with skills will be surprised already in the first battle. It is no coincidence that such attention is paid to the support of the gamepads: in Dragon Nest, so to speak, you need to think with your hands; The game partly resembles fighting valves and platformers.
For each combat location, there is a choice of difficulty level – from low (for those who intend to have lunch or drink coffee coffee in the process of fighting) to deadly (they will make those who play well with a lip, say, in Mortal Kombat). The more complicated, the richer the trophies and more is dripping experience. But perhaps the most important reason to increase the bar – sports game interest. And this is another important difference between Dragon Nest and many other Mmorpg, where the battle process itself is unremarkable.
The reward based on the passage of the “level” depends on the rank, and the high rank is not so easy to earn. The instance must fly in a matter of minutes, handing out long combo to the right and left and shifting everything that can be destroyed along the way – boxes, cabinets, tents. I constantly want to replay – go a little faster than the previous result.
Fashion Law
All peaceful life is collected within cities and villages. Here we collect quests for campaigns in combat locations, understand the intricacies of the main plot and try to make friends with the locals as much as possible, fulfilling their instructions. Many of the merchants and quests represent certain fractions, and friendship with them gives an increase in reputation. Plus NPC-Druzi and quest will be thrown, and a gift by mail will be sent, and they can be generated.
In the relationship of non -game characters, we are drawn quickly and convincingly, playing the whole soap opera with their participation. The farmer is in love with the captain of the guard, the mentor of archers lost the groom, the blacksmith is offended by the trading and believes that she is deceiving him, and she, in turn, has already tortured everyone with her crazy projects. And everyone is asking for help from us.
In the same villages, we improve equipment. The first sets of armor are given for passing plot quests. What falls in the form of trophies can rarely compete with a “reward” set. Later, special instances are opened, where they give a chance to get epic equipment.
[[Bullet]] The final bosses of each location have a lot of unpleasant surprises. This snag plows the ground with a deep furrow.
Regardless of the origin of our wardrobe, it can be – and it is necessary – to grind. Here the difficulties begin. We do not risk anything to the plank +6, but if you “sharpen” further, you can lose not only the necessary pebbles, but also the cherished clothes. You can be safe from pants loss by buying a special consumable in the store – harsh Freet realities.
Equipment additive – coats of arms and titles. A good title gives a significant increase in parameters, and give it for serious achievements. And to create a coat of arms you will need a suitable plate, which can be obtained as a trophy.
And finally, consumables. Blue and red bottles, indispensable in instances. You can’t do them, only buy, but you can cook no less useful food. In a separate location, which opens for characters of the 24th level (the current development limit in the Russian version; until the end of the year they promise to increase the bar), you can experience yourself as a farmer, fisherman and cook. However, this craft system is limited: there is no serious crafting here, special NPCs are made to order.
Kill your neighbor
The combat system is bright, dynamic, cheerful and at the same time very demanding on what is customary to call Skill. And this is the main advantage of Dragon Nest. So convincing that it is already seriously seen in the future e -sports discipline. After all, where there is a good fighter, usually there is an excellent PVP.
Combat regimes are collected in a separate location, Coliseum. For the first time, the hero gets there, reaching the level 10, although, as practice shows, we do not pose a large threat to others for another five levels.
When creating our own “session”, we set the size of the team (maximum 8 people on each side, although many people like the version of the duel, one on one), the desired levels of players and the regime of the fight. Now three modes are available – “rounds” (the battle before the predetermined number of victories), “revival” (the battle up to a certain number defeated opponents) and the “deadly fight” (a kind of game for flying: the leader of the team appoints the player who beats the next; which after three minutes remains more than XP;.
Когда у нас начнутся соревнования по Dragon Nest (а это обязательно случится), посмотреть будет на что. Because all the fun that we see in combat locations can be safely multiplied by twenty. Although even better – not to look, but to participate. And for this it is worth starting to train now.
Cool plot:
Easy to master:
Sound and music:
Interface and management:
One of the deepest and most original cooperative MMO-Boeviks came to us, clapping with large eyes. It is a pity that many of these eyes immediately scared away.
Mania rating: 7.5